About The Event
The 2024 CSPS Annual Symposium Innovations in Drug Discovery and Development will be held Mon., June 10th to Thurs., June 13th at the University of Alberta, Lister Centre, in Edmonton, Alberta. Be sure to join us as pharmaceutical scientists come together in Edmonton to explore new horizons in pharmaceutical excellence. On June 10, we will have a pre-conference workshop and on June 11, our Industry Day will highlight “The Path to Commercialization and Partnerships” providing a dedicated forum for industry representatives to share their unique perspectives. Our Scientific Sessions (June 12 and 13) will offer in depth discussions and insights on topics that include: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pharmaceutical Sciences R & D, Epigenetics and Drug-Target Chemogenomics and Chemogenetics, Neglected Global Diseases, Intermediary Metabolism as a Target for Pharmacotherapy and more! We are so excited to be able to meet together in person – to be able to connect with colleagues, to network and to present the latest in pharmaceutical science research.